Wednesday, December 19, 2018

QOTD: The Murderous Orphans

"You know that cliché about the kid who killed his parents and then begged the court to have mercy on his poor orphaned self? Meet Missouri’s top Republican lawmakers, Sen. Roy Blunt and Senator-elect Josh Hawley. After their many broad-daylight attempts to poison, strangle and shoot the Affordable Care Act as it drove away, they are all sad-faced innocence now that a Texas judge has ruled that Obamacare shouldn’t survive. [snip] After all the energy Republicans have spent undermining efforts to lower health care costs, improve access and protect those with pre-existing conditions, who better to save these protections than those who’ve worked so hard to make sure the law didn’t work as it was supposed to?" -- From the Kansas City Star editorial, blasting the hypocrisy of Rethug Sen. Roy Blunt and Sen.-elect Josh Hawley on the Affordable Care Act. Over eight years, the Rethugs have done everything to sabotage and kill President Obama's signature achievement to bring down health insurance costs, increase access to health care, and protect people with pre-existing conditions. Now they want to claim they cared about that all along, now that public opinion has shifted. Disgusting.

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