Thursday, December 6, 2018

Translation: "Snitches Get Stitches"

Vile hate radio thug and Trumpist extraordinaire Sean "Heil" Hannity is perhaps con man and treasonous sociopath Donald "Rump" Trump's most adoring follower and his informal "advisor." He, along with neo-fascist shrieker and fake jurist Jeanine "Judge Zero" Pirro, is an ardent supporter of Rump, no matter what position of Rump's that he's called on to defend, even if it changes by the hour.

His latest service to his leader was provided on his execrable radio program, where he's adopted the tone of a mob associate to Rump's godfather persona. The "enemy" is the FBI, which is aggressively pursuing the manifold crimes of the Rump crime organization and its associates, so Heil has this advice for his unhinged listeners:
"...the FBI comes to your house, and maybe some crime took place in the neighborhood, and maybe you have a little bit of information, but you don't quite fully recall everything, but you're pretty sure you do -- the advice I have to give you now is, 'don't talk to the FBI.'" (our emphasis)
By now, even loyal sychophants like Heil smell some Russian borscht around Rump and his inner circle, but they want their followers to ignore the obvious and not believe their eyes and ears. They also want them to withhold support of law enforcement which is pursuing the treasonous actors in this scandal. In suggesting that his deplorable listeners withhold support from the FBI, treasonous actors would include the likes of Heil Hannity.

(photo: A smug Heil in the White [Supremacist] House sporting his 1905-vintage barbershop quartet hairstyle.)

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