Saturday, December 1, 2018

Tweets Of The Day -- If They Can't Win, They'll Cheat And Steal

Two more examples of why Democrats should never be tempted to play nice with the New Nazi/ Republican Party:


  1. Obama tried to reach across the aisle and got smacked for it. That lesson should be burned into the brain of every Democrat going forward. Chuck Shumer should have it tattooed onto the inside of his eyelids.

    I'm not even saying be a strongarm shitbag like McConnell; just stand up for the greater good and don't compromise or back down. I hope that is the meaasge for the new, bigger Democratic House.

  2. donnah - right. Dems need to have the belief in their ideas and principles that sometimes has escaped them in the past. I think there are a lot of newly- elected Dems that will keep them on that track.
