Sunday, January 6, 2019

Brexit Buyers' Remorse

A new poll released today indicates that a majority of the people in the UK want to remain in the European Union (EU) by a margin of 54 - 46. While the UK is scheduled to leave the EU on March 29, the government is struggling with the shape and acceptability of their exit deal with Parliament, which is looking less likely to pass than ever before.

Neo-fascist Kremlin asset Donald "Rump" Trump cheered the UK separatists on some time ago, furthering the Kremlin's goal of fragmenting the EU -- and a democratic Western Europe -- as an economic power. Not surprisingly, Rump's sinister counterpart in the UK and the mover behind Brexit, the Dickensian villian-named Nigel Farage, who led the failing nativist / racist UK Independence Party (UKIP), is a "person of interest" into the Rump Russiagate investigation.

Eventually, it dawns on people that we're in a global economy, like it or not, and whether you're pushing "America First" pablum or "Brexit," you're playing Moscow's game and nothing more.

(photo: Farage, in rear, leaving London's Ecuadorian Embassy in 2017 where Russian military intelligence cut-out Julian Assange is holed up)

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