Friday, January 18, 2019

Follow The Money: Deutsche Bank Edition

After multiple bankruptcies, despite the efforts of his daddy to bail him out, felonious Putin puppet Donald "Rump" Trump ("Individual-1") had to turn to foreign sources of money for his organization. While other sources may be revealed in coming weeks (e.g. Russia's government-controlled Alpha Bank, etc.), one clear participant in floating Rump's organization was Deutsche Bank, and new reports indicate that the leadership of the House is determining which committee(s) will investigate those dealings.

When Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigative team was reported to be seeking Deutsche Bank's records relating to the Trump Organization, Rump indicated that it would be a "red line" for investigators to look into his business financing, and was considering firing Mueller. Of course it's becoming clearer why Rump is so concerned about his connection with the bank (and indirectly Russian money laundering):
"Democrats are now discussing how to divide up the investigative work and the Intelligence Committee and Financial Services Committee are preparing to look into Deutsche, Reuters reports. The bank has been prosecuted for multibillion-dollar Russian money-laundering operations that flowed through its accounts. There has been speculation as to why Deutsche was one of the only banks willing to lend large sums of money to Trump and his businesses in the past decade; it extended millions of dollars in credit to the Trump Organization." (our emphasis)
The likelihood is that the House Financial Services Committee, now led by the indomitable Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), will take the lead. When the Dems were in the minority in the House, party--before-country Rethuglican members refused to subpoena Deutsche Bank's records relating to Rump. Now, Dems will do what good investigators do: follow the money.

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