Monday, January 28, 2019

Howard Schultz: The Next Ralph Nader/Jill Stein?

Former Starbucks chairman and CEO Howard Schultz told CBS' 60 Minutes last night that he's seriously considering a run for President as an "independent" centrist, demonstrating that millions in personal wealth has only heightened his self-regard. Schultz, who described himself as a "lifelong Democrat," is apparently clueless to the fact that a vanity candidacy like his would inevitably siphon more votes from Dems and most likely result in neo-fascist Kremlin asset Donald "Rump" Trump's re-election, something that would destroy our democracy.

Prior to the show's airing, Schultz tweeted:

Which prompted angry responses from a cross section of people:

Even Rump got in his twit-tweet, trying to egg Schultz on in an obvious way (and threatening the Starbucks in Trump Tower). Tells you all you need to know about how he'd love Schultz to run and split the Dems.

BONUSSteve M. identifies Schultz' true constituency.

BONUS II: Dem gazillionaire Michael Bloomberg also warns against a third party candidate: "We must remain united and not let any candidate to divide or fracture us."

BONUS III LGM quickly uncovered some, uh, inconsistencies in the autobiography Schultz has peddled.  Another self- centered rich guy who has a problem telling the truth.  Got it.


  1. I wish these old, white, egotistical retired millionaire businessmen would just find something else to do. Jeez Louise, we do not need another money guy with no government experience trying to run the country. Pick a viable candidate and back them, ffs. Don't peel away vital points from legitmate people running for president!

  2. donnah -- You're right. If only they'd focus on voter registration/turnout efforts, or simply humanitarian projects, they'd be on the right side.

  3. And I just realized that Schultz has a new book out. How convenient to be out in the media with a presidential campaign proposal while on a book tour. Clever merchandising, right? All of the attention he gets will boost his ego, too, just like Trump. Gawd, these egotistical cash hounds are disgusting!
