Sunday, January 6, 2019

QOTD -- But Are They "Likable?"

"Demeaning dancing and texting the word “whore” to a woman who scares you is, when you think about it, pretty laughable. And to have the dynamic laid bare is almost a relief.

No wonder Pelosi is running the House, Warren is running for president, Tlaib is calling it as she sees it, and Ocasio-Cortez is dancing. Their enemies are losing strength, while they’re gaining it."  -- Virginia Heffernan, commenting on the right- wing trolls attacking their worst nightmare -- powerful Democratic women.  To paraphrase Rep. Ocasio-Cortez, don't hate them cause you ain't them, fellas!


One Fly said...

Exactly and never back down!

W. Hackwhacker said...

One Fly -- and laugh in their faces as you do it!

bluzdude said...

It's the "Tan Jacket Scandal" all over again. They just pick their enemies and criticize anything they do.

W. Hackwhacker said...

bluzdude - ah, yes, doughy Peter King "fashionista!" That's why it's refreshing the new crop of Democrats -- women in particular -- aren't shying away from giving back better than they're getting.