Sunday, January 20, 2019

Reactions To Trump's Bogus "Compromise"

First, let's set aside the usual suspects in the broken and fearful media who are timidly characterizing as a "compromise" the bogus "plan" that demagogue and pathological liar Donald "Rump" Trump ("Individual-1") regurgitated yesterday on his wall that Mexico was going to pay for. He's still refusing to open the Government until he gets his funding for his medieval "solution." His mealy-mouthed, temporary offer on DACA is something that he took away at the start of his regime, and will again if he gets his wall money. He still owns the shutdown which is in its 30th day.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi responded to Rump's pitch in part by saying:
“The President must sign these bills to re-open government immediately and stop holding the American people hostage with this senseless shutdown.  Each day he prolongs this needless crisis, Coast Guardsmen, FBI agents, border patrol officers, TSA agents, and hundreds of thousands more workers are forced to live without knowing how they can feed their families or pay their bills.

The President has taken pride in shutting down government. Now, he must take action to open up government.” (our emphasis)
Dems, rinse, repeat, rinse over and over: Rump is responsible for the shutdown and we won't negotiate with a hostage taker. Open the Government now.

Twitter has its take on the Rump speech:

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