Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Sanction Vote Today In Senate [UPDATED]

Last month, the Moscow-aligned Trump regime tried to sneak an easing of sanctions on a Russian oligarch by the public. Operating undoubtedly at the instruction of Russian asset Donald "Rump" Trump, Treasury Secretary and arrogant plutocrat Steve Mnuchin proposed that the sanctions on oligarch Oleg Deripaska be eased. Deripaska is a key figure in the Paul Manafort criminal / counterintelligence saga, having loaned the former Rump campaign manager millions of dollars and who pulled his strings during the 2016 campaign.

Unfortunately for Rump and his lackeys, the proposed move can be reviewed by the Senate, which will be voting today on whether to allow the sanctions to be eased against the Putin loyalist. Let's see how many party-first Rethuglican Senators line up with Rump / the Kremlin on this one.

UPDATE: The Senate voted to retain the sanctions on Deripaska, with 11 Rethuglicans breaking from the Trump regime to join the Dems. Now the House takes up the issue.

(photo: Putin and Deripaska. Getty Images)

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