Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Trump's Most Notable "Accomplishment"

Over the first two years in office, Kremlin asset and con artist Donald "Rump" Trump, who likes to brag about imaginary wins, at least has surpassed his 44 predecessors in one thing: lying. The Washington Post has been carefully tallying his lies since his inauguration, and has the mindboggling tally of 8,158 lies. Keep in mind that, according to the Post, he's now averaging 16.5 per day, roughly triple the pace in his first year, so that number has gone up since it was published yesterday. For an up-to-date tally, the Post has a fascinating interactive tool for the public.

The biggest focus of his lying is, unsurprisingly, on immigration, an issue he's demagogued to maintain support among his red cap racist base. That figure is 1,433. Lies about the economy, trade and jobs are the next most popular topics.

Good work by the dogged journalists who are documenting this monster's lies and demagoguery. It will be one of Rump's primary legacies.


  1. Trump's been a liar his whole life...and the presidency has opened new doors for lying on a grander scale. He lied during his campaign and then started some real whoppers, the easily disputed kind, like his Inauguration crowd size. It's been a landslide of lies ever since.

    If his lies were simply vanity lies, where he tries to make himself look better, then we could be more dismissive, perhaps. But he lies about his intentions, the law, people, places, and things that do matter. He lies about his policies, the economy, the immigration statistics. He lies about everything.

    He should have been held accountable from Day One, but the press laid off so they would't be called biased or one-sided. Had they been relentless and professional and done their jobs, people could have seen what kind of fraud he is.

    But now we have to keep pointing out that he is a hopeless liar and fraud and make everyone realize it.

  2. donnah -- You said it better than we could.
