Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Ivanka's Feewings Are Hurt. Boo F-ing Hoo.

Kudos the Flashpoint Gallery in Washington, DC for their new exhibit "Ivanka Vacuuming," with a model resembling Ivanka "Complicit" Trump vacuuming a pink carpet while guests / participants are invited to toss crumbs on the carpet for her to vacuum. [Excuse us, please....bwahahahahahaha... OK thanks.] The piece is by New York-based artist Jennifer Rubell and Cultural DC.

Naturally, the icon of nepotism caught wind of the exhibit and was displeased, apparently because it showed her doppelgänger performing a domestic chore she's unfamiliar with. Climbing on her high horse, Complicit said in a tweet, "Women can choose to knock each other down or build each other up. I choose the latter." Of course, in addition to drawing even more attention to the exhibit, that prompted some rejoinders from the mean old Twitterverse:



  1. All Trumps, all of the time: Me! Me! Me! I'm rich and important so stop mocking me, stop investigating me, stop judging me! Don't make fun of my terrible decisions and awful choices. I'm The Best and you're just jealous!

  2. donnah -- She's clueless about her white privilege and hypocrisy concerning the treatment of women other than Trump women.
