Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Our Broken Media, Part Infinity

Rethuglicans are masters at the game of "playing the refs," referring to a tactic used in sports to get the ref to rule for you by accusing him of bias for the opposing team. The "both sides" media "refs" have been played for years to such an extent that nutzoid policies and outright lies on the right are given equal air time with expert commentary and analysis (think climate change, for example).

Beyond their "both sides" disease, there must be a masochistic streak among CNN management, one of the major targets of the regime of demagogue and media-basher Donald "Rump" Trump. CNN announced the hiring of a former Rump regime official and career partisan wingnut Sarah Isgur to, incredibly, "coordinate political coverage" of the 2020 elections. Adding to the bizarre nature of the hire, Isgur's been highly critical of CNN over the years for their coverage:

A quick review of Isgur's employment history demonstrates her far-right loyalties: staffer for former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, for the Rethuglican National Committee, for Sen. Ted "Tailgunner Ted" Cruz, and senior official for the failed campaign of Carly "Snarly" Fiorina in 2016. Missing is a lack of journalistic experience. That should work out well. Here's a snippet from the linked Media Matters' article:
"According to The Washington Post, Sessions very much wanted to hire longtime Republican political operative Sarah Isgur as his chief spokeswoman, but she had 'criticized [President Donald] Trump, repeatedly, during the 2016 Republican primaries,' and thus her 'prospects for a Justice Department job stalled.' To break the logjam, the Post reported, Isgur paid Trump 'a cordial visit during which she told the president she was on board with his agenda and would be honored to serve him.'” (our emphasis)
Aaron Rupar has a good summation of Isgur's offensive tweets, if you need even more of an insight into her thinking. Suffice it to say, her career path should lead to InfoWars, Breitbart or Fux. That she's been hired at CNN to coordinate their political coverage for f*ck sake demonstrates that there's apparently no one there in management even refereeing anymore.

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