Saturday, February 16, 2019

Pence Bombs When He Mentions Trump

For all of demagogue and Kremlin asset Donald "Rump" Trump's talk about how America is respected again in the world, Vice President and Rump's cardboard sychophant Mike "Dense" Pence didn't get the response he was expecting from our allies at the Munich Security Conference:

Bwahahahaha! Maybe "I bring you greetings from a major ebola outbreak" would have been a better applause line.


  1. It's so great (it's not great) that this president and his entire administration have ruined relations with our allies around the world. But I'm glad Pence got to suffer the humiliation in person. Trump wouldn't recognize a snub or an insult, but I think Pence still can.

  2. donnah -- We later read that First Shady Ivanka was attending the conference, and likely saw it. : D
