Thursday, February 7, 2019

Vast Majority Want Mueller Report Made Public

In a new CNN/SSRS poll released this morning, 87% of the public want the report from the Special Counsel to be made public, potentially complicating any plan for the regime of con man and Moscow asset Donald "Rump" Trump to hide the report from the public.  Fifty-eight percent of the public believes that Russia's interference in the 2016 elections on behalf of Rump is a serious matter deserving a complete investigation, with 37% content with not knowing or caring. Fifty-six percent disapprove of the way Rump is handling the Russian interference investigation.

One final number that may change in the months ahead: 42% don't believe the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians during the campaign. It's hard to believe that that number represents anything but low-information, delusional, facts-be-damned tribalism, given the well-publicized indictments, guilty pleas and other actions relating to campaign figures Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Rick Gates, and George Papadopoulos, for starters. With more indictments / guilty pleas and finally a damning Mueller report, that the public demands to see, all but the most dedicated Rump cultists might be persuaded at long last.

1 comment:

  1. We, as American citizens, do have the right to know what the investigation discovers. We have a right to know who has influenced our political leaders and whether they've been funded by outside parties with vested interests in how our government is being run. We have a right to know if our president is beholden to foreign powers and if he has conducted our country's business under cover of illegal transactions.

    We have a right to know, even if the probe doesn't result in Trump's resignation or impeachment. We need to see how the process happened and learn from it, how to protect the government the next time we hold an election.

    Follow the money!
