Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Putin Responds To State Of The Union; Pelosi Claps Back

First, let's get to the Russian response to Trump's State of the Union, via Stephen Colbert:

During the SOTU, after Trump ingenuously said “We must reject the politics of revenge, resistance and retribution, and embrace the boundless potential of cooperation, compromise and the common good,” rather than laugh out loud, Speaker Pelosi had this memorable clap back:

Also known as,

For posterity,

BONUS: Tengrain (MPS) for the win:



  1. I skipped the clown show, so I'm glad there are lots of posts and pictures about Nancy Pelosi. I knew she wouldn't disappoint.

    I thought Stacey Abrams did a wonderful job in her rebuttal speech. Classy, heartfelt, composed and confident, Abrams broke the Bad Rebuttal jinx. The Democrats ruled the evening, from the white-wearing Democratic House to the expressions on Pelosi's face.

    Trump stunk. No news there.

  2. I'm starting to get a strange impression that trump needs Nancy's approval.
