Thursday, February 28, 2019

The Fart Of The Deal

The sham "summit" between North Korea's murderous tyrant Kim Jong Un and tyrant wannabe and Very Stable Genius Donald "Rump" Trump ended in failure for Rump yesterday. Kim managed to stall Rump for the foreseeable future, after his insistence that all U.S. sanctions against his country be dropped, while maintaining his nuclear arsenal. Rump was apparently fixated on the testimony of his former fixer Michael Cohen in front of the House Oversight Committee, as well he should be with Cohen suggesting that Rump had committed crimes we have yet to learn about. 

Rump was desperately hoping that the elaborate photo op posing as a "summit" would produce a much needed "win" for him, in light of continuing investigations and indictments of members of his circle. He's also allowed himself the absurd fantasy that the get together would lead to a Nobel Prize for Peace (thanks for doing his bidding, Prime Minister Abe!). Not. gonna. happen.

There will no doubt be ministerial talks between North Korea and the U.S. to make small steps, something that should have happened from the beginning, if it were not for Rump's eagerness to engage in his narcissistic, transactional diplomacy (be flattered, flatter, give ground, be flattered, etc.). He even managed to defend Kim over the treatment and death of Otto Warmbier, saying that he took Kim's word that he wasn't aware of the situation with him. Mmmm, that's some serious brown-nosing! Now it's back to the White (Supremacist) House to tweet manically about the "summit's" yuuge success during his executive time.

(photo: Trump goes to great lengths to appease Kim)

1 comment:

  1. No doubt Trump was flattered and bribed by North Korea to have a summit and create positive publicity for both. Trump lives for adoration, ceremony, and fawning fans. He probably felt like king of the world when he lumbered off the plane to the cheers, flowers and applause from the crowd who greeted him.

    But he had to have felt a yuuuge letdown when he got wind of Cohen's testimony. And after the high of all of that attention, coming down to hear a former employee spilling all of the beans, not just to private commitees but also publicly, had to be a punch in Trump's sizable gut. And if he heard even a part of what Cohen said, he had to be slightly off-kilter for the negotiations.

    His stunts are becoming more and more transparent, as he tries to maintain a grip on his fake presidency. Fouling up the negotiations with North Korea was a big loss for the Dealmaker. Walking away isn't a clever ploy, it's failure to complete an objective.
