Sunday, February 3, 2019

Today's Cartoons

(click on images to enlarge)

(Stuart Carlson,

(Matt Davies, Newsday)

(Jeff Danziger, The Rutland Herald, VT)

(Tom Toles, Washington Post)

(Steve Sack, Minneapolis Star Tribune)

(John Cole, Scranton Times-Tribune)

(David Ostow, The New Yorker)


  1. I'm going to make some people angry, but anti-vaxxers can go to hell.

    When my son was three years old, he was diagnosed with leukemia. He went through five years of chemotherapy and three more years of maintenance. We did everything possible to protect him and keep him safe and well. We give thanks every day that he survived. He turns 32 this year and has done very well for himself, and he's a great guy,

    So had these idiots been around with their ignorant and senseless behavior, my son could have easily contracted measles and died. His immune system was compromised enough that he would have died. And so now these kids are potentially killers as they spread their measles and other untreated diseases. So other cancer patients can be exposed to a life-threatening disease and other innocent people can be faced with a threat they can't see.

    Enough said.

  2. donnah - thanks for sharing your son's story. It's frightening what toll ignorance plays in our society today. It seems in many ways we've regressed in our faith in science, facts, and ourselves, to the detriment of us all. Stupidity and gullibility are the contagions we are dealing with today.

  3. Exactly.

    It's a free country, yes I know, but when your ignorance and selfishness are a threat to the health and well-being of others, you forfeit those freedoms. It's unsafe and dangerous.
