Saturday, February 9, 2019

Trump Bows Again To Saudi Regime

Last October 10, eleven Democratic and eleven Republican Senators sent a letter to corrupt con man and sociopath Donald "Rump" Trump requesting that his regime determine whether the Saudi government played a role in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The action was taken under the authority of the Magnitsky Act, which governs the imposition of sanctions on governments or individuals committing human rights violations (predominantly used against Rump's Russian overseers for the invasion of Crimea in 2014).

The 120 day deadline passed yesterday for the Rump regime to determine what the world community and our own intelligence community has already concluded: that sinister Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman (a.k.a. Mohammed Bone Saw) gave the orders to his henchmen to commit the murder and dismemberment of Khashoggi last October in Istanbul, Turkey.

Fortunately, anticipating Rump's resistance to offending his royal bankers in Riyadh, the Senate passed a bipartisan bill on Thursday to supersede the earlier request, and impose a 30-day deadline for a Presidential finding and imposition of sanctions. We won't hold our breath that Rump will offend his Saudi friends by acting. Of course, U.S. intelligence agencies already have the answer:
"U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that Khashoggi’s killing was premeditated and almost certainly carried out on orders from Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. The Saudi government claims that the prince, who is the kingdom’s de facto ruler, was not involved." (our emphasis)
But Rump's expansive "gut" (and likely his bank account) knows better:
"Trump announced in November that he would not downgrade the U.S. relationship with Saudi Arabia, regardless of whether Saudi rulers were culpable.

Discounting his administration’s intelligence findings, Trump has repeatedly pointed to the lack of a single piece of evidence, or a “smoking gun,” that would irrefutably pin blame on the prince.

The administration has said it continues to investigate the killing."
(our emphasis)
Perhaps they've enlisted O.J. Simpson in their investigative efforts to find the killers. The only way a message is sent to the brutal Saudi Prince is through stiff sanctions on him and the royal family, and a cessation of our support for their operations in Yemen. Less reliance on the Saudis in the Middle East for their "support" would be a further step until a change in leadership is made.

(photo: Left to right: Bone Saw, Rump, Rump's handler Putin, the new "axis of evil.")

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