Thursday, February 21, 2019

Trump Leaves Violence In His Wake

Yesterday's report that a white supremacist Coast Guard lieutenant was planning mass killings of Dem politicians and journalists at odds with demagogue Donald "Rump" Trump is another sign that the right-wing Trumpist world is being incited to violence by the atmosphere he has created.

Consider some key examples of the times Rump's rhetoric has led to tragedy and near-tragedy:
-- KKK and American Nazis march in Charlottesville in August 2017 chanting "Jews will not replace us" and one of them rams his car into counter-protestors, killing one and maiming others. Rump then praises "very fine people" on "both sides;"

-- a Florida thug who has decorated his van with Rump decals sends pipe bombs to people that Rump has identified as "enemies" last October;

-- soon after the MAGAbomber, a shooter believing that the "caravan" of immigrants was "invading" the country shoots up a Pittsburgh synagogue because it had provided support to immigrant families;

-- at the recent rally in El Paso, Rump launches into an attack on the media, following which one MAGA thug attacked a crew member from the BBC. His anti-media rhetoric has caused the press to be shielded behind fencing to protect them from Rump's cult at rallies.
Rump's recent "enemy of the people" attack on the New York Times followed their article regarding his attempts to derail the investigation by the Southern District of New York into him and his crime organization. There are numerous articles documenting his blatant incitements over time, for example, here, here, and here.

Too many innocent people have been killed and hurt already by the atmosphere of hate and paranoia Rump has actively created, and more people are going to get killed and hurt as he continues in his reckless, sinister attacks.


  1. Trump is a brash, provocative racist and misogynist. He promotes causes that are proud of their violent heritage, like the KKK and the Nazi party. Trump continues to normalize and accept these violent and hate-driven groups and they continue to grow bolder and more powerful as a result.

    We have to continue to call them out and show them for what they are, White Supremicist monsters. and we have to stand up to them whenever we can.
