Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Trump's Briefed On North Korea...By Russia

Well now we know whose agenda Kremlin asset and incompetent liar Donald "Rump" Trump will be advancing in his photo-op with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un (Associated Press headline):

Russia: US asks for advice on North Korea talks

The AP story indicates that Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who by the strangest coincidence is in Hanoi now, has been bragging to Russian media that the Rump regime has solicited their advice on the talks between Rump and Kim. Lavrov helpfully suggested that the U.S. offer Kim "security guarantees" (i.e., withdrawal of all U.S. forces from S. Korea and a formal peace treaty) in order to get Kim to denuclearize. However, since Kim sees nuclear weapons as his regime's insurance policy, and sees Rump as volatile and subject to whim, he won't disarm (although he'll con Rump into thinking so). That's why national security experts are so worried about Rump's "negotiating" one-on-one and giving away the store for vague or empty promises from Kim. Kim knows Rump is desperate for a "win" on the global stage and for his 2020 campaign and therefore can be had at a low price.

BONUSAlex Ward has some insights on what will come out of the Rump- Kim photo- op.

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