Friday, March 22, 2019

BREAKING: Mueller Report Sent To Attorney General

What we know at this point:

Here we go:
Special counsel Robert Mueller on Friday wrapped up his nearly two-year investigation into Donald Trump and Russia and sent his report to Attorney General Barr.

No details of Mueller's findings have been released, and it is not clear how soon the public will see them.

The transmission of the report to Barr concludes an investigation that has resulted in the indictments of 34 people, infuriated the president and thrown the administration into turmoil.
NBC News is also reporting that the Attorney General will provide a report summary to Congress as early as this weekend.

Here's the letter the AG has sent to Congressional committee chairs (click to enlarge, then click again):


donnah said...

I'm not jumping on the prediction bandwagon. We have to know more before we speculate what it all means, unlike the Republicans and FOX heads who are proclaiming a vindication victory for Trump. I'm not going to pretend to understand all of the implications of the Mueller report being released and I'm hoping that it all gets figured out and Trump and his family will actually be prosecuted in some legitimate legal process.

It's exhausting.

W. Hackwhacker said...

donnah - that's the right view to take on this until we know more about what's in Mueller's "comprehensive" report. Rump and his minions will do what they always do, but there are facts that need to emerge, and they will, one way or another.