Thursday, March 7, 2019

Dems Investigate Trump Meddling In Merger

Sociopath and would-be dictator Donald "Rump" Trump (a.k.a. Individual-1) hates the media for not portraying him in the way Fux "News" does. He especially hates CNN for their round-the-clock, mostly critical coverage of him. Rump's gone so far as to try to ban White (Supremacist) House reporter Jim Acosta from the grounds, only to reinstate his credentials after the White House Correspondents Association pushed back.

Vengeful Rump still has it in for CNN, and reportedly he recently tried to derail the merger between AT&T and CNN's parent company Time Warner. Now, Dems in the House of Representatives, led by House Judiciary Committee chair Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) and Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI) have asked the White (Supremacist) House and the Justice Department to turn over documents related to the proposed merger, to determine Rump's role and whether he interfered to harm Time Warner / CNN. From Reuters:
"[Nadler and Cicilline] wrote that if accurate, Trump’s involvement would  'constitute a grave abuse of power.' Last week, a federal appeals court upheld a lower court ruling rejecting a Justice Department challenge to the deal filed in November 2017."
Every day, Rump manages to abuse his authority to punish "enemies," and reward friends. But unlike the past two years, he has a potent adversary to bring him up short: the chairs of the House committees.


  1. Thank gods that the Dems took control of the House; they have taken the majority to form investigative committees on many fronts to investigate (finally!) to get to the criminal core of this so-called presidency. Trump will believe he can shut down the media and he will do everything to stall, refute, and deny any and all charges, but I think the evidence will soon overwhelm him and his crime family.

    We have to support the efforts to shut down Trump and his rotten administration. We have to vote, contact our representatives, and keep talking.

  2. donnah -- There will be a ferocious push back by Trump's cult and the right-wing / alt-right movement to save him. But more and more people will turn on him (and we haven't yet heard from his Trump Organization staff), and hard evidence will be presented that can't be refuted, although they'll try. The investigations and indictments won't end with 2020; he's in for a long twilight of civil and criminal charges.
