Tuesday, March 19, 2019

FBI Asked To Investigate Massage Parlor Owner

The Dem leadership of the House and Senate have written to the FBI asking for a counterintelligence investigation into Florida Chinese massage parlor entrepreneur Li "Cindy" Yang's activities and their relationship to corrupt demagogue Donald "Rump" Trump. (Copy of the letter here). Yang was a frequent visitor to Rump's gaudy Mar-a-Lago estate, where she rubbed elbows (insert your snark here) with prominent Rethuglicans, including Rump himself.

Yang once operated the massage parlor where New England Patriots owner and Rump supporter Robert Kraft received sexual services and was charged with two counts of soliciting prostitution back in February. Yang is suspected of engaging in human trafficking for prostitution through her chain of massage parlors.

There are also reports that Yang used her connections at Mar-a-Lago to sell access to Rump and his regime to Chinese businesses and officials through her business GY US Investments. The FBI will also be probing (insert your snark here) Yang's relationship with the Chinese Communist Party, which Mother Jones reported on a few days ago:
"[Yang] is an officer of two groups with ties to China’s Communist government. And she founded a Miami-based nonprofit that promotes “economic and cultural exchange' between China and the West in coordination with “senior…Chinese leaders” in the United States, according to a profile of Yang posted on a Chinese social media platform."
There's more detail at Mother Jones at the link that indicates China's successful penetration (insert your snark here) of the inner circles of the Rump regime and Rethuglican Party. The FBI should have ample material to investigate regarding this latest breach of national security by hucksters taking advantage of Rump's "pay to play" philosophy of government.

(photo: from Facebook. Yang and President P*ssygrabber.)

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