Friday, March 8, 2019

Javanka Security Clearance Info Leaked

While the Trump regime has refused to provide the House Oversight Committee the documents it requested on First Shady Ivanka "Complicit" Trump and her sketchy husband and security risk Jared "Mr. Ivanka Trump" Kushner, it appears that a patriotic citizen in the White (Supremacist) House has provided documents to the Committee regardless. As Axios reports:
From a White House source, the House Oversight Committee has obtained documents related to Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump's security clearances that the Trump administration refused to provide, according to a senior Democratic aide involved in handling the documents. [snip] 
The documents leaked to the Oversight Committee provide detailed information on the timeline for how Kushner's and Trump's security clearances were approved and who the people were involved in processing and the final decision.

One document, obtained by Axios, provides some details about why Kushner's security clearance was changed to 'interim' in September 2017: 'Per conversation with WH counsel the clearance was changed to interim Top Secret until we can confirm that the DOJ or someone else actually granted a final clearance. This action was taken out of an abundance of caution because the background investigation has not been completed.'
Feb. 23, 2018: 'Clearance downgraded to Interim Secret per COS direction' — then-chief of staff John Kelly." (our emphasis)
From the timeline, Moscow asset and corrupt con man Donald "Rump" Trump had apparently pushed his son-in-law's Top Secret clearance despite the background investigation into him not being completed. It was changed to "interim" at the request of White (Supremacist) House counsel Don McGahn pending completion of the investigation.

The fact that the Committee now has a roadmap and timeline, as well as who to question under oath, is a major step forward. Stay tuned.


  1. Thank you brave citizen. However, I wouldn't want to be you if found out!!

  2. F.M. -- We hope he or she remains anonymous and safe. Thank goodness there are people there that are putting their country ahead of their own careers and even personal safety.
