Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Kentucky's Rethug Gov. Bevin: Anti-Vaxxer Moron

Trumpist far-right wingnut Gov. Matt Bevin (KY) Bevin has 9 children, whom he has decided not to vaccinate against the chickenpox virus, while deliberately exposing his children to the virus.

Reflecting the anti-science bias of the Rethuglican / New Confederate / Stupid Party, Bevin says that he deliberately exposed his children to the virus to immunize them "naturally":
"During a Tuesday interview on Bowling Green radio station WKCT, Bevin said his children were "miserable for a few days" after contracting chickenpox but said 'they all turned out fine.'"
Really? What about the children that came in contact with his children? Did they "turn out fine?" Bevin's playing with more than his 9 children's safety:
"Before the vaccine became available in 1995, an estimated 8,000 up to 18,000 people were hospitalized each year with chickenpox and about 100 to 150 people died each year from the infection, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Most healthy people recover completely from chickenpox but serious complications can include pneumonia, encephalitis or sepsis infection. [snip]
Being vaccinated against chickenpox can protect others with weakened immune systems or very young babies too young to be vaccinated from catching the infection. And being vaccinated against chickenpox can also protect someone from developing shingles, a painful flare-up of Varicella-zoster virus, later in life."
Bevin is the embodiment of Rethuglican Social Darwinism and selfishness, coupled with anti-science ignorance. It's one thing that he endangers his own children; it's another that he endangers everyone else's.

(photo: Bevin spreading his "message")


  1. Seems to reflect basic Republicanism: "My family is fine, so screw everyone else."

  2. To the bevis: Wait 5-10yrs, then, post your follow-up comments about what you've done & outcome. DARE YOU!!!!
