Sunday, March 24, 2019

Preventing A 2020 "Existential Crisis"

As the field of Dem contenders for the nomination expands weekly, and as Dems are challenged every day to comment on phony issues injected into the Beltway media by Rethuglicans ("are you capitalist or socialist"), Ed Kilgore, writing in's "Intelligencer," lays out an absolutely chilling scenario should Dems blow the 2020 election. Excerpts:
"The Trump-McConnell strategy is designed to pack the courts quickly, in case Democrats come back into power in 2020. But if Trump gets a second term, and particularly if Republicans hold the Senate (which is very likely in any scenario in which Trump wins), prospects increase that this president will cast a very, very long shadow over the judiciary for decades to come. [snip] 
If Republicans get a second chance at a trifecta after losing it in 2018, there is no question we’d see a second effort to deconstruct the social safety net via legislation fundamentally changing Obamacare, Medicare, Medicaid, and anti-poverty programs...[snip] 
On climate change alone, it’s painful to contemplate the national and global consequences of another four years of official science denial and celebration of fossil fuels. Those consequences include the death of prospects for bipartisan action, even on compromise and relatively conservative proposals for emissions reductions and a greener economy."
That's just a taste of the crisis that would be created by a second term of corrupt demagogue and bigot Donald "Rump" Trump. Although Kilgore doesn't discuss it, there have been murmurs that Rump wants to set up his son, greasy Junior, and his lusted-after daughter Ivanka as a political dynasty to succeed him. Skeptical? Who thought in 2015 that a dangerous buffoon like Rump would be elected to our highest office?

Kilgore concludes with a warning to Dems and progressives:
"All in all, Democrats should approach 2020 with the mind-set that this is an election with such high substantive and political stakes that history will never forgive them for blowing it. That obviously means they should exercise care in choosing a presidential nominee. But it also means they should take especial care not to damage her or him in the process, or withhold support from the nominee over grudges carried over from the nominating contest. [snip]
"A second Trump win would not only threaten progressive policy priorities for a long, long time, but would likely tear the Democratic coalition apart. For those left of center, 2020 is an emergency, and those activists or observers who would increase the risk of a second Trump term to promote candidate or factional interests ought to attract a lot of pushback. A 2021 with Trump in charge is a progressive hellscape. Avoiding it is really important.(our emphasis)
We would vote for a pail of warm dog poop over Rump, but the Dems need to select a candidate for voters who wouldn't, and then unite behind her or him. REALLY unite.

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