Thursday, March 7, 2019

"This Is My Daughter, Ivanka Nepotism"

At some bogus photo op conference yesterday at the White (Supremacist) House, demagogue and Moscow asset Donald "Rump" Trump and his lusted-after daughter Ivanka (Complicit) Trump assembled a group of sychophantic executives to tout American innovation. Inexplicably, Apple CEO Tim Cook was seated next to Rump absorbing the nonsense. First, after Ivanka praised daddy for his imaginary leadership, he grabs her hand (he restrained himself) and calls her "honey." Then, the Very Stable Genius turns to Cook and thanks him for following his orders to keep jobs in the U.S., referring to him as "Tim Apple." Bwahahaha. That's what you get, Timmy, for selling out to this crime family (ditto to all the CEOs who participated). Watch the exchange, via Chris Hayes' "Thing 1 Thing 2" segment:

Perhaps he was rattled by all of the subpoenas flying in his and his enablers' direction. Or perhaps he was still feeling a little tingle from touching his daughter. But Twitter was highly amused:

This isn't the first time the Very Stable Genius has done this:

Be sure to check out #timapple for more hilarity.


  1. He looks worse than normal. His eyes are slits. Hope he kicks soon.
    Good article. I got a chuckle from your sarcasm.

  2. Anon. -- The stress (not from doing work) is getting to him: mind wandering, fatigued, etc. Thanks for coming by.
