Friday, March 29, 2019

Tweets Of The Day

We'll see how long his base is pleased, when "others" turns out to be them:

Sorry, we don't feel one damn ounce of sympathy for any of them.


  1. Trump voters will die of untreated gangrene before admitting they need Obamacare. And if they do benefit from the ACA, they'll claim it's not Obamacare, but something else. They are blind and stupid, which accounts for their loyalty.

  2. donnah -- blindness and stupidity, of course, not covered by Obamacare!

  3. Back to the Hater in Chief's playbook. Obamacare was a priority. Only because it had President Obama's name attached to it. He was pre-occupied for a while because of Mr. Mueller. Now, he feels "exonerated" (in his mind) & empowered, & now he can get back to HIS causes. Between this & His Wall, that little brain must be imploding!!

  4. FM -- if only the implosion would be real and involve his entire being.

  5. Ha ha, if Trump's brain was gunpowder, he couldn't blow his nose.
