Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Vacation Time For Tucker

After last week's flurry of recordings of the Fux Channel's boyish bigot and privileged fat head Tucker "Mothertucker" Carlson saying racist, misogynistic and homophobic things, fellow bigoted fat head Sean "Heil" Hannity announced during the handoff with Carlson's show that Carlson would be taking a vacation the rest of this week. Fux later corrected Hannity's typical misinformation, saying that it's next week that Carlson would be "on vacation." Shades of former Fux host Bill O'Liely, who went on vacation from his show and never returned after sexual harassment claims against him surfaced.

Fux is increasingly nervous about its extremist hosts, as it showed when they condemned unhinged shrieker Jeanine Pirro's Islamophobic remarks about Rep. Ilhan Omar's hijab representing beliefs that are antithetical to the Constitution, except of course the First Amendment. The condemnation, of course, was pro-forma and a cynical effort to short-circuit another advertiser boycott which have plagued the right-wing network before.

The take-away here is that Fux happily and purposefully encourages the hate that Carlson, Hannity, Ingraham, Pirro, etc. spew. Fux'll stand with them until they get too far out over their bigoted skis, i.e. when it causes the network money in terms of losing advertisers.

(photo: Asked and answered.)


  1. I'm surprised FOX didn't give Tucker a raise. They probably will, under the table. The typical FOXhead loves the hateful comments made by the likes of Tucker and Hannity. They won't lose viewers, but I would be pleased to see Tucker's vacation be permanent as O'Reilly's.

  2. donnah -- Agree. His "vacation" would seem to be a cooling-off time, so that Fux can work with advertisers behind the scene to talk them into staying with Carlson.
