Sunday, April 14, 2019

And They Called It Pencey Love

The key to retaining a job in narcissistic sociopath Donald "Not Exonerated" Trump's White (Supremacist) House is clearly your willingness to debase yourself and be his willing and eager sycophant. Those that show any inkling of independent thought find themselves on the end of one of his nasty tweets announcing their departure.

Since Trump plucked him from political oblivion in Indiana and made him his running mate, Mike "Dense" Pence has excelled in the art of stroking and flattering his boss and benefactor. Peter Nicholas' article in The Atlantic describes the games that Trump's most prominent hacks (e.g. Kellyanne Conjob and Stephen "Dead Eyes" Miller) play to keep their jobs, including cowardly cipher Pence. Here's a taste of Pence's approach (gag alert)
"In public, Vice President Mike Pence has likened Trump to towering historical figures. 'From King David’s time to our own, President Trump has now etched his name into the ineffaceable story of Jerusalem,' Pence said in a speech last year at the Israeli embassy in Washington.

Behind closed doors he is no less gushing, taking pains to ensure that Trump has no cause to turn on him, people familiar with the matter said. 'I’d like my wife to look at me just for one day the way Mike Pence looks at President Trump every day they’re together. That would be special,' Kenneth Adelman, an official in Reagan’s administration, told me."
(our emphasis)
Pence constantly engages in the sort of "who do you believe, Trump or your lying eyes?" deflection and outright lying to defend his Dear Leader, like just the other day when he defended Trump's "I love WikiLeaks" statements now that Putin-enabling WikiLeaks head Julian Assange has been busted. He's so eager to please his benefactor -- and so afraid his benefactor will turn on him -- he literally mimics Trump, like the "water bottle" move. Pence is spineless and has no identity apart from Trump. Perhaps "Mother" Pence should stage an intervention with her husband, or at least not leave him alone with Trump.

(photo: "My lusting eyes gazed upon him, wishing that we could hotly embrace".. Oh, uh hello Mother, I'm just updating my diary.)

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