Thursday, April 4, 2019

Colbert: No Holds Barr-ed

If you missed Stephen Colbert's opening monologue last night (and even if you didn't), it's a classic. He takes on the Barr letter that attempted to spin the Mueller report to malignant narcissist Donald "Rump" Trump's advantage, giving him a narrative advantage. He also touches on the Congressional Rethuglicans' desperate attempts to shield Rump from a full disclosure of the report, which he compares to a fictional Harry Potter book, "Donny Trump and the Idiot of Azkaban," and his loony windmills cause cancer speech. Cheers when Colbert says that hauling Trump out of the White House would be pretty satisfying, after Trump's tweet saying nothing will satisfy the Dems. Much more hilarious riffs to follow.

1 comment:

  1. I love Colbert! That was hilarious and I'm so glad you posted it because I'm away from home and it really cheered me up!
