Sunday, April 21, 2019

Hannity's Other Fans

Far-right propagandist Sean "Heil" Hannity is a favorite of his Dear Leader, sociopath and Putin pal Donald "Not Exonerated" Trump, but Trump's not the only one. Apparently, official Russian TV is taking clips from Hannity's vile show on Fux to pretend that their man in Washington was cleared by the Special Counsel's report. By extension, they're also lying about their role in trying to undermine Hillary Clinton's campaign and boost Trump through illegal hacking of DNC files, falsely claiming "exoneration":
"The Russian government-owned Rossiya 1 news channel recently broadcasted excerpts from Fox News primetime host Sean Hannity’s on-air monologue, which hammered 'media hysteria' over the report and allegations of campaign 'collusion' with the Russian government.

In its own editorializing, Rossiya 1 described the report as 'bestseller about the absence of collusion between Trump and Russia,' and blamed the political press and U.S. intelligence agencies for 'hounding Trump' over the allegations..."
The fact that Russian State media is covering up for their man in Washington and attempting to twist the findings of the Mueller investigation report speaks volumes about their influence over Trump and their culpability for interfering with our elections, which has been described in the multiple indictments and convictions brought against Trump associates and Russian nationals. As the redacted portions of the report are revealed, and as other investigations proceed, Moscow's victory lap with "Heil" may prove to be very premature.

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