Thursday, April 18, 2019

Key Points In Redacted Mueller Report

Despite numerous, questionable redactions, the Mueller investigation report (copy here) reveals some very damaging information on corrupt Putin pal Donald "Not Exonerated" Trump's activities related to the Russiagate investigation. It reveals, unsurprisingly, that he was intent on committing obstruction, but was prevented by aides. It notes many instances where key figures (greasy Don Jr. among them) fell just short of prosecutable conspiracy. The Washington Post is reviewing the report in real time, and has analyzed some excerpts, among them:
"In a heavily redacted section of the special counsel’s report, Mueller writes that, “The Trump Campaign showed interest in Wikileaks’ releases of hacked materials throughout the summer and fall of 2016.” 
“On at least three ocassions” in late June and early July of 2017, as the story was surfacing publicly in the press, Trump “directed” spokeswoman Hope Hicks and others “not to publicly disclose information” about the meeting at Trump Tower." 
In May 2017, then Attorney General Jeff Sessions told Trump that Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein had just appointed Mueller as special counsel. Trump slumped back in his chair, according to notes from Jody Hunt, Sessions’s chief of staff. “Oh my God, this is terrible. This is the end of my presidency. I’m fucked,” Trump said.  
“Substantial evidence” corroborates former FBI director James Comey’s recollection that Trump shooed others out of the room in February 2017 before pressuring Comey to let former national security adviser Michael Flynn off easy, according to the Mueller report. “I hope you can let this go,” Trump allegedly told Comey. (our emphasis)
In all, the report so far paints a picture of Trump willing to break the law, but was held back by aides. It portrays a regime that was desperate to cover its tracks regarding the acceptance of help from Russia, and eager to reward Russia in terms of sanctions relief and better relations.

Follow along at the Post link above for key points. Or download the report at the link provided.

BONUS: Raw Story has their own take on the 11 most damaging parts of the report.

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