Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Media Equivocations Cosset Trump, Constitution Edition

The underlying story is awful enough (please read), but look how the Washington Post characterizes it:
President Trump suggested Wednesday that he would ask the Supreme Court to intervene if Democrats move to impeach him — a notion that legal experts said showed a misunderstanding of the Constitution[Ed.:  "legal experts"? We only play legal experts on this blog, but we don't think you need to be a "legal expert" to call absolute bullshit on that "notion".]
It was unclear how Trump would legally justify such a move, since the Constitution delegates impeachment proceedings to Congress, not the courts. [Ed.:  No shit, Sherlock.] Trump mentioned the idea briefly in morning tweets in which he lashed out at Democrats who are continuing to investigate him following the release of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s report.  (our emphasis)
Would it be so difficult (albeit truthful) to say that, as usual, the dolt- in- chief doesn't know what he's talking about?  That it's another example of his willingness to trample on the Constitution and it's system of checks and balances?

These are the "Democracy Dies In Darkness" people, fergawdsakes.

Alas, the cosseting of this incompetent moron continues unabated in the media.

BONUS: Check out some of the reactions to the moron's tweet.

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