Thursday, April 4, 2019

More On Low Barr's Letter: "Alarming And Significant" Evidence Ignored

The Washington Post, hours after the New York Times broke the story (see post below), has confirmed that investigators on the Special Counsel's team are expressing frustration at Attorney General consigliere for Donald "Not Exonerated" Trump William "Low" Barr's whitewash letter spinning the Mueller report in the most favorable way possible.  The Post has additional quotes from investigators (i.e., FBI agents) that are more pointed than the Times' reporting on Barr's highly suspect conclusion about obstruction of justice:
In his letter, Barr said that the special counsel did not establish a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia. And he said that Mueller did not reach a conclusion “one way or the other” as to whether Trump’s conduct in office constituted obstruction of justice.
Absent that, Barr told lawmakers that he concluded the evidence was not sufficient to prove that the president obstructed justice.
But members of Mueller’s team have complained to close associates that the evidence they gathered on obstruction was alarming and significant.
It was much more acute than Barr suggested,” said one person, who, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the subject’s sensitivity.  (our emphasis)
"Alarming and significant... much more acute than Barr suggested."

This is confirmation that this is a full-blown coverup by the utterly compromised, highly partisan Attorney General consigliere for Trump. The House Judiciary Committee needs to get the damn subpoenas flying, not "work with" Barr for "a short period of time," schedule testimony by all concerned, and finally acknowledge that Barr's been acting in bad faith all along.

BONUS:  Marcy Wheeler points out that the Times story also includes a valuable insight -- that the Mueller team prepared several summaries of the report, "possibly customized to each of several audiences..."  So, where are those summaries, Mr. Barr?

(Photo:  You can take the "honorable" off now.)

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