Friday, April 5, 2019
No Chicken Roasting This Year Either
For the third year in a row, demagogue and malignant narcissist Donald "Not Exonerated" Trump has decided not to attend the White House Correspondent's Dinner on April 27, not daring to face the people he's called the "enemy of the people." Trump's excuse, if you can stifle a laugh, is that "the Correspondents dinner is too negative. I like positive things." Instead, the authoritarian buffoon will hold one of his Nuremberg rallies at a place yet to be determined in Trumpland.
The dinner was the scene of one of Trump's worst public humiliations in 2011 as he was roasted by Seth Meyers and President Obama, on the evening that the successful raid on Osama bin Laden's compound took place. Talk about a sick burn.
We have little respect for the dinner event itself, as it draws together news makers and politicians and the people who are supposed to cover them in an elite, unethical venue. But Trump's third ducking of the event shows him again to be the coward that he is, only brave enough to appear in front of his howling cult. Sad!
(photo: "I regret to inform you that < bwak cluck cluck >...")