Friday, April 19, 2019

Poll: Trump Support Slips After Report Release

The job approval rating for would-be autocrat and corrupt bigot Donald "Not Exonerated" Trump slipped to its lowest point thus far in 2019, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted after the release of the Mueller investigation report. The poll indicates that 37% of adults approved of Trump's performance, compared to 40% on April 15, and 43% immediately after Trump defense lawyer William "Low" Barr issued his "summary" of the Mueller report in March. In addition,
"The poll found that 50 percent of Americans agreed that 'Trump or someone from his campaign worked with Russia to influence the 2016 election,' and 58 percent agreed that the president 'tried to stop investigations into Russian influence on his administration.'"
Despite the drop in approval, the poll illustrates that Trump retains his hardcore cultish followers who have been trained to distrust the media and Federal law enforcement / "deep state" -- even their own lying eyes -- on any matter adverse to Trump.


  1. Trump will never lose his core base because literally anything he does is fine. He “pwns” the Dems and he feeds his followers' prejudices, so he will always be their guy. As for any legitimate criticisms, including proof of wrongdoing, they staunchly defend him because Fake News and Vendetta Against Him. They simply either don't believe the truth or they like a president who is an obvious criminal who always comes out on top.

    I say move to impeach him. Get all of the charges on record and make an effort to impeach him in spite of the odds against success. It gets everything documented legally and formally, and when McConnell refuses to bring it for a Senate vote, it will reflect directly on him as he attempts, yet again, to cover up the illegalities done by the Republicans and Trump.

    There is a time to move forward and a time to wait. When we have the original Mueller report, tally up the crimes and go for it.

  2. donnah -- At a bare minimum, the Dems should prepare a bill of impeachment for the record, documenting Trump's abuse of power, obstruction of justice, etc. for history. Whether they put it to a vote in the House is up to Speaker Pelosi, but at a minimum, they should prepare one and have make it public.
