Friday, May 24, 2019

Cover Of The Month

The cover of the current issue of The New Yorker:

(Illustration by Barry Blitt)

For those playing at home, the Trump lickspittles are (l. to r.) Sen. Lindsey "Huckleberry" Graham, Attorney General Trump lawyer William Barr, and Sen. Mitch "Missy" McConnell.  Blitt was reported to have said it was hard to limit the lickspittles to the just the three pictured, since there are so many of them.


  1. I'm glad he went with shoeshine instead of the more obvious ass-kissing idea.

  2. Everyday events defy rationality and get weirder and scarier, I have every expectation things are only going to get worse. Found an interesting podcast centered on the possibility of a Second American Civil War.

    This is not right-wing propaganda, the producer is a lefty like me. He's analyzed recent news, history, and other civil wars to see how the United States could descend into an anarchy so bad it would make the first Civil War look like a minor squabble.

  3. donnah -- indeed!

    BB -- I'll check it out. It's certainly crossed my mind often. Thanks!
