Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Is Billionaire A-hole's "Campaign" Over?

Let's just say former Starbucks CEO and both- sides bullshitter Howard "Sergeant" Schultz's foray into Presidential politics has been less than venti. Wherever he went, he'd face angry citizens who made it clear that his "centrist" candidacy would rob Dems of a victory over fraudster and sociopath Donald "Not Exonerated" Trump, something that Schultz seemed oblivious to. One confrontation in New York City at an appearance of his was especially colorful:

Lately it appears that the "egotistical, billionaire asshole" has drastically cut back on his pseudo-campaign, as the Daily Beast reports. His hired hacks are saying that it has nothing to do with former VP Biden entering the race, and that Schultz is recovering from back surgery. Of course, the hired hacks want to keep Schultz's vanity "campaign" going as long as they can cash his checks. But with the public, Schultz's novelty as an "independent, centrist" candidate has worn off, as the disastrous implications of a run by him has sunk in, and now it's time for him to switch to decaf.

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