Tuesday, May 21, 2019

NRA Promoting Lawlessness Among Sheriffs

The National Rifle Rampage Association has been involved in a movement to persuade county sheriffs in several states to refuse to enforce gun laws, recently revealed public records show. The gun lobby calls it the "Second Amendment sanctuary movement" and it's impact has been to weaken enforcement of "red flag" laws aimed at keeping guns away from people deemed to be a threat to the public or themselves.
"Under the so-called Second Amendment sanctuary movement, county sheriffs in at least four states have vowed to refuse to enforce laws that they consider to be infringements on the U.S. constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

The movement has been widespread in New Mexico, Oregon, Washington and Illinois, where elected sheriffs and county commissioners have taken particular exception to 'red flag' laws designed to take guns away from people legally deemed to be a threat to themselves or others."
In New Mexico, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence examined the records of the New Mexico Sheriffs Association and found widespread coordination with the NRA in undermining enforcement of gun control laws in their jurisdictions.

When you hear about a known lunatic or domestic violence perpetrator killing people, know that the blood of their victims will be on the hands of these complicit sheriffs and the NRA.


  1. So now sheriffs can replace judges? So now the branches of law enforcement get to interpret laws to their liking?

    WT everloving F is going on?!

  2. donnah -- As with the virulent attacks on women's reproductive rights, the far right is going for broke on every front, worried that 2020 will throw their hired hands in politics out of office.
