Tuesday, May 7, 2019

The NRA's New Nutjob President

Following the ignominious canning of gun-running felon Oliver North as NRA president after an internal power struggle (unfortunately not involving gun play), the National Rifle Rampage Association has a new president, and she's everything you'd expect. Meet Carolyn Meadows, a movement right-winger from Marietta, GA, who could not be more of an extremist (not that she won't try).

In an interview with the Marietta Daily Journal, Meadows laid out her priorities for the NRA: first, re-elect demagogue and bigot Donald "Not Exonerated" Trump, put guns in the hands of every school teacher and churchgoer, and expand gun "rights" under the Second Amendment (what, are they proposing to form "state militias", as the Second Amendment refers to?). She's also got a nasty history:
"Meadows—a longtime Republican official who worked to block the construction of a monument to Martin Luther King while serving as chairwoman of the Stone Mountain Memorial Association, which oversees the largest pro-Confederacy monument in the country—also attacked newly elected Georgia Democratic Rep. Lucy McBath as only having won her 2018 congressional race for being 'a minority female.'” (our emphasis)
We're surprised the 80 year-old Meadows didn't use the "n" word to describe Rep. McBath, who lost a son to gun violence at the hands of a racist who thought he was playing his music too loud. Also, note the mention of the Stone Mountain Memorial Association in Meadows' background. It's the "sacred site" for the KKK, where, on November 25, 1915, the newest version of the Klan was created, and for 50 years thereafter, was the site of annual cross burnings on Labor Day. Media Matters has more on her dangerous wingnuttery here, if you have the stomach for it.

(photo: via Media Matters. Armed and dangerous)

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