Monday, May 6, 2019

Trump Aide Suspected Of Grifting Seniors

David Bossie, the sinister figure behind the "corporations are people" Citizens United decision that allowed the infusion of unlimited corporate money into political campaigns, was the deputy campaign manager for corrupt demagogue Donald "Not Exonerated" Trump's 2016 campaign. He still maintains close ties to the White (Supremacist) House.

With the saying that "you're known by the company you keep" in mind, it's reported that a campaign finance watchdog organization, Campaign Legal Center, has discovered that Bossie's current grift, something he calls the "Presidential Coalition," has been likely ripping off senior wingnuts who think they're contributing to Trump's campaign, but are actually providing Bossie with a six-figure income and the resources to grift more money from more senior wingnuts:
"To help elect pro-Trump conservatives, former Trump deputy campaign manager David Bossie has raised $15.4 million over the past two years with his group, the Presidential Coalition. But according to a report from Axios and campaign finance watchdog the Campaign Legal Center, the Presidential Coalition has spent just 3 percent of their fundraising on supporting such candidates. The other 97 percent of the sum was spent on further fundraising and administrative costs, including Bossie’s six-figure salary." (our emphasis)
It would be one thing if Bossie were fleecing rubes that were sentient enough to know it, but he's targeting senior wingnuts for his deceptive fund raising appeals:
"In a related analysis released on Sunday, Axios determined that most of the donors that Bossie’s group targeted were retired. On Facebook, their ads are “overwhelmingly targeted to, and viewed by” users over 65, according to the Campaign Legal Center. [snip] This targeting of older Americans is consistent with larger trends of online behavior within the demographic. As Buzzfeed News reports, 'older Americans are more likely to consume and share false online news than those in other age groups, even when controlling for factors such as partisanship … and are less likely to register the brand of a news site they consume information from.' It appears that older Americans may also be less likely to identify direct-to-candidate fundraisers versus groups like Bossie’s." (our emphasis)
It's impossible to feel sympathy for the geezers who eagerly contributed to Bossie's scam, thinking that they were giving directly to their dear leader Trump. But no matter which of the two received the contribution, they'd still be taken in by a con artist.


  1. Criminals and crooks stealing from each other? Unpossible!

    Sounds like Mafia. Sounds like grifters getting caught being grifters...big surprise! Let them eat their own, let them all fight to the bitter end. Let them start pointing fingers and ratting each other out.

    They deserve what they get.

  2. donnah -- Bossie is especially odious and deserves a big comedown.
