Friday, May 3, 2019

With A Little Help From His Friends

Eighteen months ago, hacktacular smirk support system Mark Halperin was jettisoned from his lucrative gigs in the media, after his sexual advances / assaults on multiple women were made known. The disgraced hack once called President Obama a "dick," for which he was suspended by MSNBC. He has a long history of fluffing for Rethuglicans, including con man and sociopath Donald "Not Exonerated" Trump.

Of course, it hasn't taken long for Halperin's friends among the talking heads to stealthily prepare the way for his ignominious return, as the Daily Beast reports:
"Disgraced political pundit and television personality Mark Halperin has been spending the past several months on a quiet yet calculated professional rehabilitation campaign with the active help of MSNBC Morning Joe hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski.

The 54-year-old Halperin—whose lucrative career imploded in October 2017 after several female colleagues, subordinates, and other women went public with allegations that he groped them and made unwanted sexual advances during his tenure at ABC News—has also received positive airtime from CNN and SiriusXM radio host Michael Smerconish. [snip] Throughout Halperin’s rehab tour, Scarborough and Brzezinski especially have been offering moral support and more concrete assistance. According to multiple sources at MSNBC—which, along with NBC News, dismissed Halperin as an on-air political analyst when the allegations surfaced—the network scrapped a plan for the Morning Joe anchors last fall to collaborate with Halperin on an online-only program analyzing the 2018 midterms.

According to these sources, Scarborough and Brzezinski didn’t seek prior approval to involve their friend and former regular panelist in the show, and colleagues reacted with surprise and concern when they got wind of the scheme." (our emphasis)
Brzezinski in particular likes to preen about her pseudo-feminist scam "Know Your Value," which for her was negated when she slept with her boss /co-anchor. The #MeToo movement seems to have caught her off guard, at least in the case of her friend Halperin, as she came to his defense immediately. It's also interesting how in two years she and JoeScar have gone from Friends of Donnie during the 2016 campaign -- when it was all fun and games to them -- to being his critics. But thankfully, there'll always be videotape to remind us of the role they played for Trump in 2016:

We're convinced that she and JoeScar will continue to work behind the scenes for their smirking buddy Halperin. If it works, maybe she'll give him the kind of welcome to the studio that she gave Trump, leg lift and all.


  1. I suppose we can expect to see some of these slimy gropers try to regain some lost ground, and they will have some support from other slimy gropers. Halperin is a pig and should remain in exile, as far as I'm concerned. And even though the Me, Too movement is less prominent in the news these days, its importance should not be forgotten or ignored.

    Go away, Halperin, and stay there.

  2. donnah -- Let's hope, but the Beltway media is a forgiving group when it comes to their own.
