Sunday, June 30, 2019

Happy Fourth: Trump's Celebration of Himself

The Fourth of July in the nation's capitol has been a non-partisan celebration of our nation's birth for decades. Vile crook Richard Nixon tried to appropriate it during his first term, and now malignant narcissist and would-be dictator Donald "It's About Meeeee" Trump has decided that the celebration should center around him. He's obsessed with military parades and celebrations of him ever since he was feted by the corrupt Saudi regime in his first year in office, and when he witnessed France's Bastille Day parade in Paris. Sane heads at the Pentagon were able to deflect his megalomaniacal request for a military parade down Pennsylvania Avenue for two years, but this year under more compliant management, we'll see a flyover of military jets and some military bands and units parading for Mango Mussolini. It's a Trump rally disguised as a Fourth of July celebration.

The celebration of Trump will require the Lincoln Memorial to be fenced off for dignitaries, friends and family, who will receive special access tickets from the White (Supremacist) House. Trump plans to address his faithful cult near the spot where the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King delivered his iconic "I Have A Dream" speech in 1963; talk about desecration. It looks like all the kinks have not been worked out:
"On Friday morning, bleachers had been set up on the plaza below the Lincoln Memorial, and workers were erecting other structures. Seats faced away from the memorial and toward the Washington Monument, making it unclear where exactly Trump plans to stand while giving his speech."
The local forecast is for scattered showers and thunderstorms on the Fourth in DC. Let's pray for rain.


Anonymous said...

I fear that this could turn ugly.
If citizens rightfully protest and dmonstrate against is usurption of a celebration of a country of, for, by the people as he try's to make it for the criminals, warmangers, profiteers and racists.
Look for a contigent of the ugly boys to show up a "security" and illegal orders go out as to treatment, and forced exclusion, of citizens.
Watch for syphilitic donnie call for a pogram against people of color and the poor.
Watch his deplorables use it as a call for a counter revolution taking us back to the 1800's
All in all it looks that a torrential rain may be our only saving grace.

donnah said...

Okay, brace yourselves.

I absolutely despise this fucking son of a bitch.

He has trashed our reputation across the globe. He has broken the law a hundred times and he has conducted treasonous business with tyrants and dictators. He's openly racist, homophobic, misogynistic and lies every time he opens his ugly mouth. He seems to be bulletproof and he knows he is untouchable, so he is arrogant, vain, and selfish.

And now, on top of everything else, he is stealing our national holiday celebration to put the spotlight on himself. It will be a campaign rally, with nothing to do with the celebration of our Democracy, patriotism, honor, and sacrifice. This narcissistic piece of crap insults the very core of our country.

So, despicalbe, deplorable, destructive, disgusting Donald ruins yet another sacred symbol for his own selfish needs.

Fuck him six ways from Tuesday.