Friday, June 14, 2019

Ivanka's Emoluments Payday

Demagogue and con man Donald "No Collusion" Trump's eldest daughter and object of his lust Ivanka "Complicit" Trump has been profiting mightily from the Trump International Hotel and Emoluments Palace in Washington, DC, to the tune of $4 million last year. Nice nepotism if you can get it. The "hotel" has become infamous for hosting potentates, business moguls and others trying to get access to and influence with the Trump regime. They've figured out that the way to Trump, besides flattery, is through his wallet (and those of his adult children, who continue to profit off of their positions).

The State of Maryland and the District of Columbia are both suing Trump for violations of the Constitution's emoluments clause, which prohibits Federal officials from receiving gifts or money from foreign entities. Of course, Trump's happy to receive their money (no strings attached!) as well as any dirt they might have on his political opponents ("I'd take it") no matter that it's a felony.

There's also an effort underway to deny his DC hotel its liquor license, something that would greatly reduce those profits that the Trump crime family enjoys. The decision before the city's Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration revolves around the requirement that licensees be "of good character and generally fit for the responsibilities of licensure," to which we would simply say "read the Mueller report." We'd love for those special interests visiting his Emoluments Palace to lubricate their "negotiations" with Diet Cokes and Shirley Temples. Sad!

(photo: CNN)

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