Delusional demagogue and pathological liar Donald "Bring Me Dirt" Trump has to know deep down that he's in trouble in key states like Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, which he won by a paltry combined total of 77,000 votes in 2016. He knows because his pollsters told him so, and that's why he's fired several of them for sharing that with the media.
"The news follows reports — first by Politico and later by the New York Times — on a 17-state internal poll conducted by Fabrizio. The data, later reported by ABC and NBC, show Trump trailing Biden by double digits in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Florida and Michigan, where Trump narrowly edged out Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in 2016. The poll also found Trump behind Biden in several other states that were key to the president’s win — Iowa, North Carolina, Ohio and Georgia — while holding a narrow edge in strongly Republican Texas. Publicly, Trump initially declared that the results had been fabricated by the media and 'don’t even exist.' But Trump’s campaign manager, Brad Parscale, later confirmed that the results were indeed from a poll conducted by the campaign in March, and on Friday, ABC News published the results. Privately, the president was livid that the numbers leaked out, according to White House and campaign officials.
'He is madder that the numbers are out than that the numbers exist,' said one senior administration official." (our emphasis)It's the mark of his malignant narcissism that he can't abide anyone demonstrating that he's losing. In his world, he has to be always "winning" and the "best," even though it's a laughable pose that rational people can see through.
With the departure of people in the White (Supremacist) House that were at least open to sharing bad news with Trump, he's now surrounded by sycophants and tools that dare not, reportedly including his lusted-after daughter Ivanka who fears the loss of daddy's love and money. Let's hope it proves to be his undoing, as he ignores data and relies on his considerable "gut" for the 2020 campaign.
BONUS: U.S. intelligence officials have their own patriotic reasons for trying to keep Trump in the dark on their business: he's a bragging ignoramus who would recklessly disclose secret information, or he'd do it to curry favor with our adversaries or worse, he'd countermand their efforts.
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