Thursday, June 20, 2019

Oregon Rethug Threatens State Troopers (UPDATED)

Oregon Dem Gov. Kate Brown is determined to pass climate change legislation through the Oregon legislature, but she has run into defiant -- and violent -- Rethuglican opposition. Yesterday, nutcase Rethug Sen. Brian Boquist threatened to shoot Oregon state troopers if they enforce an order from the Governor to keep the legislators from walking out and denying a quorum, effective killing the bill. According to The Oregonian:
"Brown hinted that she would be willing to send state troopers to round up Republicans if they walk out in the final days of the regular legislative session, saying in a statement that she is 'in close communication with Oregon State Police.' That’s an option Democratic senators and the governor did not use earlier this year, when Senate Republicans first brought the Senate to a standstill by walking out and preventing the necessary quorum."
That provoked Boquist to threaten state police troopers with violence if they attempted to enforce the Governor's lawful orders:
“This is what I told the 9state police) superintendent. Send bachelors and come heavily armed. I’m not going to be a political prisoner in the state of Oregon. It’s just that simple." (our emphasis)
It's a threat worth taking seriously, since Boquist is of the right-wing militia crowd that wants to grab their guns at the drop of a hat:
"Boquist is a U.S. Army veteran whose businesses include military training and an international operation that journalists described in the 1990s as a paramilitary force of armed American and Russian ex-military officers." (our emphasis)
Sounds about right that he's got Russian bedfellows in his paramilitary force. Sedition has gone international. The next step should be to arrest Boquist on charges of making threats to shoot police officers and whatever other charges apply. This loon is voicing his violent intentions, and needs to be stopped before he implements them.



  1. This bozo's district extends uncomfortably close to where I live. Even in a reliably blue state.....

    But frankly, the idea that they would resort to walking out to block climate-change legislation is almost as crazy as Boquist's threats.

    I agree that what he's said constitutes a threat and merits arrest. I just hope they do it carefully. Some of these guys just get off on threatening talk and would chicken out when the time came to back it up -- but not all of them.

  2. Infidel -- He seems like someone who's looking for a physical fight, given his background and "philosophy." We were surprised that Gov. Brown thought it necessary to enforce attendance, but she's not requiring them to vote. As you suggest, approach him with extreme caution.

  3. This man is willing to engage in armed conflict over a climate change bill. basically a pollution bill. Armed conflict. Does this make any sense. Armed conflict over protecting polluters. There has to be a lot more to this. As they say, follow the money. Financial investigation need to begin on all Senators who walked out. Something really smells funny.

  4. I don't know about how many thuglican members were politically active at the time but would be interesting to see what they said when Wisconsin D legislatures did something similiar or when texas D's did the same to stop the illegal mid decade redistricting in Teaxas.

    Or maybe just use instititional quotes from Pregon state thuglican party at the time. Oh and lets look at the NRA press releases of the same incidents.

  5. Brown initiated a threat of violence. Any action thereafter by the threatened is self defense.

  6. The only "threat of violence" I saw, Ed, was that by the Republican loon telling the police to send "bachelors and come heavily armed." By your sovereign citizen/Cliven Bundy "logic", a lawful action by police may be challenged with violence as a form of self- defense. Get help.
