Friday, June 7, 2019

QOTD: Ignoramus

"It is not unfair to point out that President Trump, on many important subjects, is just an ignoramus.

A vivid illustration of this unfortunate fact came this week in London, when it was revealed that Prince Charles, a knowledgeable environmentalist, had tried to educate the president on climate change — and utterly failed.

'I believe that there’s a change in weather, and I think it changes both ways,' Trump told 'Good Morning Britain” host Piers Morgan in an interview broadcast Wednesday. 'Don’t forget it used to be called global warming. That wasn’t working. Then it was called climate change. Now it’s actually called extreme weather, because with extreme weather, you can’t miss.'

Good Lord, it’s breathtaking that anyone could pack so much ignorance into so few words." (our empahsis) -- Pulitzer Prize winning columnist Eugene Robinson in today's Washington Post.

Where to begin? Equating weather with climate. Confusing global warming and climate change. Not understanding the basics of the issue. It's clear that, even if he were not in the pocket of the fossil fuel interests, he hasn't learned a damn thing about the issue, and more importantly, doesn't care to.

BONUS:  Exhibit 2. The moon is part of Mars. Do tell:

:  Wrapping things up --