Monday, June 24, 2019

QOTD: "A Stain We'll Never Live Down"

Kevin Drum,  in Mother Jones writing about the rape accusation of journalist E. Jean Carroll against sociopath and sexual assaulter Donald "Grab 'Em" Trump:
"This episode hasn’t gotten an awful lot of attention. This is the first I’ve written about it, for example. Why? I don’t think it has anything to do with media outlets not taking rape allegations seriously. The real answer is almost worse: (a) everybody just assumes the story is true and (b) everybody knows that it will have no effect on either Trump’s fans or his Republican Party colleagues. Trump will issue a pro forma denial; nobody will take it seriously; and that will be that. Just like the other 15 times.

Even after more than two years, I wake up every morning and I can’t believe that Donald Trump is the president of the United States. It’s a stain we’ll never live down."
Our brave Beltway media chose not to discuss it on the weekend talk shows. Same with our major newspapers. They may take rape allegations seriously, but in the case of Trump, they've given up. The stain is on them, too.

BONUS Ryan Cooper discusses the "big-shot media's" deference to Trump, on this and other stories.


  1. I've said it before: Trump's followers ARE GLAD HE'S A MONSTER. It's what they like most about him; his aggression, bullying, power, and refusal to ever back down. He is a rapist, a con man, a crook and a lowlife in a hundred ways...and that's why they like him. He represents the anti-Establishment and Big Government and he owns the Dems every day.

    They love him even more when he's outrageous. We can hold him up for every terrible thing he does, and they will be thrilled. The more rotten he is, the more they will back him.

    It's sickening.

  2. donnah -- What you said. They're with him 100% and that's not going to change for any reason.
