Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Quinnipiac Poll: Trump Eminently Beatable... Now

It's June 2019.  The election is November 2020.  With that said, here's the Quinnipiac poll's latest national head- to- head matchups:

Biden 53%, Trump 40%

Sanders 51%, Trump 42%

Harris 49%, Trump 41%

Warren 49%, Trump 42%

Buttigieg 47%, Trump 42%

Booker 47%, Trump 42%

As much as we might focus (rightly) on the Democratic candidates, please note something very important:  Trump is stuck at no more than 42%, essentially where his approval rating has been stuck for much of his disastrous tenure.

Also, please note that Trump's own internal polling shows him losing to Democratic front- runner  Joe Biden badly in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, three states critical to Trump's re- election hopes.

Here's your periodic reminder:  He's beatable.  We just need to go out every day from now until Election Day and make sure he's given the beat- down he so richly deserves.

BONUS:  Here are some lighter looks at the poll.

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